Ice: Elko Nevada Chapter (Royal Bastards MC Book 1) Read online

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  Dana holds onto my hand. “I know it was special, the day you two met. Do this for you. Go down there and show off that smoking body all of us are jealous of. He would absolutely love to see you do this. Kill it, for all of us.”

  I’m not as fragile as I was before. There is no way, even a year ago, that I could have done this. I’m not chasing a ghost, because I want to move forward. I want to find a way to say goodbye, not forever but enough to move on. I crave freedom from these chains more than anything. I just need to go, even with the fear of standing in a bikini again for a throwback cover edition. I need to find me, and I’m ready.

  Lifting the corner of my mouth, I cave. “Alright, but you know what this means.”

  “No,” Vegas smarts, “I am not drinking any of your green smoothie stuff or running with you. Woman, you are some kind of superwoman. I cannot do it. I will support you from a distance.”

  “Vegas, I meant shopping.” I chuckle. “I can’t go to Las Vegas without some flashy, trendy, sexy clothes.”

  “Thank God!”

  “That, we will help with,” Dana confirms.

  “Nice to know where my limits are with you two. Thanks.”

  Dana taps her chin. “You know, you could just borrow my clothes. I have tons of heels, leather pants, halter tops. Stuff I don’t use since we had Maddie. The girls and I don’t go clubbing anymore.”

  Over the next hour, I find five outfits from Dana’s closet that I can wear for every occasion while I’m there. It was fun to model for the girls and test out my skills that were hidden deep from my youth. The whole time I spent with them washed away any doubts I had about going. Their lives are so full, and they have ambition to find and explore life. I cannot wilt away and watch life pass me by. I am determined to live my best life and what better way to kick it off than in Sin City?


  It’s strange pulling up to the Reno clubhouse all alone. Never have I not been with the brothers of either the Battle Born or the Royal Bastards MC on the road. This trip, however, requires a solo ride. My life revolves around the club, they are my family. I could’ve had one, but it wasn’t in the cards for this old dog.

  We were young and she was in love. I tried to settle down and be the man I thought I needed to be. Problem was, she hated the club and the roar of the bike. She wanted kids and thought I would grow out of the lifestyle. The longer we were together, I realized we would never work. I wanted the wild life and she wanted a reliable man. I wanted hot, passionate nights and no kids. We didn’t last long after that. My early twenties feel like a lifetime ago, and that was the last girlfriend I had.

  My boot swings forward once the bike comes to a halt and I jam the kickstand down before I turn off the motor. I flew down the freeway with nothing but the wind, sun, my thoughts, and good music to keep me company. It was good to get away from the usual shit for a bit. As soon as I stand, pain shoots up my spine as I stretch and curse, twisting from side to side.

  “It gets harder, the older you get, on the long runs like that. At least that’s what my old man tells me,” Blade, the cocky bastard, smarts off to me.

  “I ain’t fucking dead yet. I’ll ride till I die. You ain’t shit.” I swing an arm around Blade’s back. I’ve known this asshole since he was in diapers. Time has flown by like the miles in my life, decades of history, and I couldn’t be prouder of the man who is the Prez of his MC. “What’s this bullshit you have me here for?” I have a job to do, but the thought of the events Harley has planned makes me want to turn around and head home.

  “Axl has Dana and their kid. Vegas is about to deliver our little girl. Everyone is coming up here who can, and half the MC in Sacramento is heading over the hill for this too. Crazy, brother. If you would have told me I would be tied to a princess of the MC and all this, I would have said you were fucking crazy. I’m happy though.”

  “So, you’re saying I’m the only man who doesn’t have ties to this birthing shit. Alright, I’m in for a trip to Las Vegas.” Ideas start to formulate in my mind. A weekend in Sin City? “Sign me up, brother.”

  Axl pops his head out from the garage. “You aren’t going down there to fuck around. You’ll have my mom.” He doesn’t know about the hits on the ATF informant. Only a handful does. I trust all my brothers, from both clubs, but this information is only within a small circle.

  “And? Your point being what?” I cock a brow at the momma’s boy. “Maybe she’s due for some fun.” I was gonna say dick, but I respect the Ol’ Ladies, especially Harley. She’s one classy bitch.

  “Fun, yeah, but she isn’t in that headspace, and I’ll remind you, she’s a grandmother.”

  A deep chuckle then a boisterous laugh echoes out of the garage. Tank’s big ass head pops out. “Take my woman to and from that beautiful place in one piece. We need her back home safely.”

  “What the fuck?” I’m about to ask Tank why the hell he said that when I know he has a lady, but he and Axl start to wrestle around for a minute when it dawns on me—Tank must have had a boner for his friend’s mom since puberty. Who the hell wouldn’t?

  Tank pushes Axl back and they calm down and join us. Axl adjusts his shirt and nods to my bike. “You do realize that you can’t take her on that, right?” When I don’t say anything, it’s clear I planned on her jumping on with me.

  Tank’s grin stretches across his face. “Oh, this just got interesting. You know she has two little dogs that go everywhere with her too, right?” Once again, I don’t respond. How the hell would I know this?

  “You can borrow the SUV from the MC. There will be enough room for all of you in there. Mom doesn’t leave the dogs behind. They go with her everywhere.”

  “I don’t remember her having fuckin’ little dogs. When did this happen?”

  “A few years ago.” Axl glares and the conversation is shut down. How can I say no? That means she got them after her Ol’ Man passed. “That’s right, they all go. Be at the house by seven. We’ll load the SUV tonight and you all can leave early tomorrow.”

  I turn to get on the bike and haul ass out of there when Blade grips my shoulder. “C’mon. We got some food and beer inside. Hot shower and whatever else you need.” I can’t explain what it is that holds me there. I could run to Las Vegas alone and get this little mess taken care of. Except the target is one of the investors who is also sponsoring Harley’s event. Very suspicious of the asshole that they are sending me in to watch over her. I never do shit for women or what other members do for favors, but I don’t have a choice today. The reaper called and I answered.

  “Mom!” Axl bangs with a tight fist loudly on her front door. “Fucking hell. I told her to be ready.” He fumbles for the keys in his pockets when the front door opens. Last night, I didn’t get to see her. She was out while we loaded her bags. The woman who stands before me doesn’t look like she’s aged in twenty damn years. Her long legs could bring a man home every night. I’m going to have a stiff dick if she’s wearing those shorts all the way there.

  “Axl, don’t,” she reprimands, steps out, and jabs another bag in his direction. Her arms swing around me and she gives me a big hug. “Ice, how long has it been? Two years?” She grabs onto my shoulders and holds me there. “You look the same. Still handsome as the devil himself.” She winks and steps back as two small dogs start to bark and bite at my jeans. Harley scolds them before picking them up. “Meet Bella and Ben. Axl bought them for me.”

  Axl helpfully moves her along and asks, “You ready? Have your phone charged and cash?”

  Ignoring his comment, she shakes her head, waltzing away over to the vehicle, setting the dogs on the backseat. “Bye, honey.” She waves and jumps into the front seat with the small bag slung around her back.

  Axl turns to me and the look in his eyes says it all. I was called to take care of the most important person in his life, his mom. “We’ll be good. I got this.” Hitting his shoulder, I get in the vehicle and clear my throat. “Seatbelt, Harley.”

  “You’re shitting me, right?” Harley pokes at me, waiting for a response.

  “Nope. I have strict orders to take you there and back unharmed.”

  She grins before pulling the seatbelt over her lap. The bastard in me sneaks a glance at her exposed soft skin. All this time, she was right there and never have I had so much as a thought of her as more, except the last couple of years. It was one day not that long ago, her eyes showed me a different woman. She wasn’t the same and never would be, but that woman called to me. The torment warped her mind. Gone was the fairytale life she had. In its place was the sting of death. I’ve long past outgrown the questions of why things happen to us. It doesn’t happen to us, it just happens. I live my life waiting and watching. I situate myself to sit where I want when it does go down. Maddox was my brother, but temptation is waving a red flag in my face. I remind myself of that and snap my attention forward. I may want to test my limits with Harley, but it would also test my brotherhood.


  I don’t know what I ever did to Ice. He’s hardly said two words to me in hours. Is he upset that he had to come? I didn’t want to make anyone be here with me. Instead of thinking too much into it, I pull out my Kindle and settle into a book about an arranged mafia marriage.

  Miles pass by and I’m lost in the words before I realize we have stopped at a gas station. “Would you like for me to get you something?” I ask, hoping to break the awkwardness between us.

  “No.” Ice gets out and ignores me, slamming his door shut.

  “Okay. I’ll let the dogs out, then run inside,” I grumble to myself, opening the door.

  “You can’t go that far alone at a truck stop, Harley. Wait and I will go,” he bites back.

  Setting my hands on my hips, I stare over the hood a
t him until he turns around to face me. “Who’s here, Ice?” I wave my hands around an empty parking lot. “We are in the middle of the desert.” Exasperated with his coldness, I turn to open the door when a hand slams down in front of me.

  “Just because you can’t see the threat doesn’t mean something is not there.” He grits out each word.

  Tiny tingles flash up my spine and a fire long gone ignites ever so lightly. For a long time, I haven’t had a reason to get upset. My family walked on eggshells to keep my life easy. In a way, it’s a relief that I don’t have to pretend to have my feelings and actions in poised control. I’m tired of the bullshit and I won’t spend another minute with the asshole. “I know that.” Biting back feels great, and now that I opened it, I can’t stop. “I don’t like that you don’t want to be here. I’m sorry they made you come. Just take me back.” I don’t want it bad enough to fight the whole way there and back.

  “Harley,” Ice stalls, his hand lowering the nozzle to the gas pump, setting it back on the hook. With bated breath, I watch as he rounds the car and stops just in front of me. He gently takes my hand and the air is stolen from my lungs. His touch is soft and sweet, but his eyes are firm and his voice is commanding. “I’m a hard man. I don’t do the soft shit you are used to. Life has shaped me into who I am. Ignore the bastard with bad manners. I know you are used to better.”

  Ice has incredibly beautiful gray-blue eyes with wrinkles at the corners, a strong jawline peppered with brown and gray hair, and his skin is tan but weathered from the sun. He’s not soft, and even now when he tries, he’s direct while trying for tenderness.

  “Okay” is the only word I can manage to allow to escape. For the first time, I see a man. One who makes me think of possibilities. Those ideas are scary because they have not been alive in years.

  He nods once, then lets my hand go and steps back. “Let me pump the gas and I’ll walk with you. We stay together,” Ice amends in a more agreeable tone.

  “Yes, sir,” I joke and cross my arms, lean up against the side of the car, and watch his muscles flex in his back. The muscles in his arms ripple from the simple action of pumping gas. When the nozzle is put away, I open the door and the dogs excitedly jump out. Together, we walk over to the rest area. From the corner of my eye, I watch him watch me. Unspoken words and the silence speak volumes. I suspect he’s a man of little words and a lot of action. My skin tingles picturing him in action.

  Ice doesn’t seem to be in a hurry and allows the dogs a few minutes to burn off some steam running around. “I’m surprised you were okay with me bringing them.” I point out, “Axl said I could leave the dogs with him, but he thought I might miss them since I was going to be gone for so long.” I’m not sure what I was expecting, but Ice is in a whole other category of man. Seeing how he is firsthand, it makes me relieved that Axl insisted I bring them to keep me company. I always had a buffer around the brothers and never really spent one-on-one time with them.

  “I wasn’t asked. Preferably, no, I don’t think you should have brought them. They could be a problem.” Gone is the nice guy who tried to mend fences. His shitty attitude is pissing me off. Ice will ruin my whole trip if he keeps this up. Why the hell couldn’t they send someone else?

  “And now that’s my problem, when you could have mentioned that before we left?” I don’t wait, and even if he tried to stop me, I wouldn’t listen. I get he isn’t happy about this arrangement, but he could have said no. I take the dogs with me and head into the gas station, needing a few minutes alone and not breathing the same air as that dick. Taking my time, I pick out snacks and magazines before meeting him back in the car.

  He sits facing forward in the driver’s seat, not sparing me a glance, and starts the engine.

  “You want me to drive?”

  “No. Get your seatbelt on. We are wasting time.”

  “Then take me home.”

  “Harley, hurry the hell up.” When I don’t listen, his arm darts out and pulls the belt over my lap. It snaps into place, along with my temper. I seethe on the inside, and it spills over into my words. “Don’t get near me again.”

  He stills and slowly faces me. “You would say that, but we both know what you are really pissed about. You need a hard fuck and know that I can deliver. Do yourself a favor and stop being such a spoiled bitch.”

  I blink.

  Then I blink again, because in all honesty, I don’t know when the last time, if ever, I have been called that. My walls go up and so does my resolve to keep his dick away from me. I may need a man, but not one as crass as this asshole.


  The rest of the ride to Las Vegas gave me plenty of time to think. In fact, all I thought about was my revenge. Thank you, Axl, for that. It got my mind off all the ways I wish I could have Harley, up against the car, or in a gas station bathroom. The little momma’s boy set me up on purpose. If we have the dogs, then what? I couldn’t fuck his mom, or he did it just to make me miserable. Instead of reacting, I’m tucking this info away to use against him when I need it. Not today, but revenge will be served. I haven’t made it this far by losing my cool. Game on, Axl.

  At the MGM Grand, I park at the valet and help Harley and her dogs out. The heat is unbearable this time of year. Even in the shade, it cloaks over me like a sauna. She gets the dogs on leashes while I hand the valet her luggage. Several large bags for a few days when here I stand with one duffle bag slung over my shoulder. She leads us in through the front doors, and the swoosh of the door and air conditioning is welcoming. Do I give a rat’s ass that she walks in front of me with two dogs? No. The few steps I am behind her, for one, gives me a great view of her ass, and two, I see every man’s head turn to watch the gorgeous bombshell walk through the lobby, all of them thinking she belongs to me. Their heads turn away as soon as they catch my cold stare and clenched jaw. Deep down, I’m enjoying this little charade. It’s wrong, no doubt. Her dead husband was my brother in the MC, but she’s been freed from those ties, and that means Harley is available. Tasting her skin, hearing her moaning in pleasure, all these ideas run on as fantasies and I can’t decide which one I’d pick to do first. On the other hand, I am here for a reason and that is to find and kill the man responsible for hunting down my brothers. Since we buried the Cartel King a few years back, it’s been a mess to keep under wraps. ATF has been looking for him and is relentless in sending those of us who had any part in it to the Federal Penitentiary. These fuckers are like pit bulls with lockjaw on a fucking bone—they aren’t letting this shit go.

  Harley digs into her purse to pull out her wallet. I beat her to it and slap down my black Amex on the counter. Her eyes draw up to mine and I raise my eyebrows in response. I could care less about money, no way in hell would I allow her to pay. My hand touches her hip and I tug her close to whisper, “A man never allows a woman to pay. Not a word.” Don’t ask me where in the hell those words came from. I haven’t been with a lady in so long. The dick in me wants to touch her, wants all these men to believe she’s claimed, even though I would have never thought of myself settling down and having someone like her. Harley is a classy biker bitch. Someone like her is far and few in between. She is the end game, the one who rides at your back for life. For years, I have made no apologies and I’m not about to start either. I do what I want, and nothing in the end is too good for me if I want it.

  Harley is a smart woman. She makes an ah-ha-ing noise, places a hand on my shoulder, and plays right along for a moment. I fight the smile that she almost pulled from me. Only problems come from that, so I tap it back down.

  I need to keep my distance from her and not muddy the lines. Being so close to her after years at a distance is confusing. I only use women for one thing, anything more puts ideas in their heads. At the door, I swipe her card and walk in first, checking the rooms. She turns on the T.V. and I settle into my room.

  We have joint rooms, but I insisted she leave the door between us unlocked. Some things never change and if I am here to protect and watch over her, I need complete access. Needing the space, the hours passed with no words said between us, only what I wanted for dinner. We eat alone when our food arrives. Only the sounds of the T.V. and her dogs running around breaks up the awkwardness.